Date: 14-Jul-2020

The Helping Hands Initiative

Our vision is a world in which businesses work hand in hand
with their staff and customers for the common good of the
environment and the wider community.”


At UPS Power Solutions, we recognise that we’re part of the communities in which our customers and staff live and operate.

If it’s important to our staff or customers, then it’s important to us – The Helping Hands Initiative has been established to promote and deliver meaningful change and positive participation for the betterment of our wider community and environment.

The Helping Hands Initiative is not necessarily a charitable fund, but a vehicle to empower others to be proactive and stimulate wellbeing within their own communities.

Our aim is to make it easier for people to support one another.

We encourage our staff to identify and propose ways in which they can give back and participate meaningfully in their own communities.

Our people and customers are vital to our business and it is important to us that we support endeavours that are meaningful to them.

We welcome causes that resonate with our people and customers.


The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.


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