Surges & spikes: The risk to your business

 Even though New Zealand experiences an average of 50,000 lighting strike per year, there are many other unexpected events that can cause a damaging power surge or spike.

80% of business-effecting power surges are caused by internal factors such as load switching or the start-up processes of motors or pumps and AC equipment.

While seemingly innocent, these short bursts of excess electrical energy can wreak serious havoc on inadequately protected facilities. Surges pose a huge risk to your critical processes and sensitive electrical equipment as well as interrupt business continuity.

Carefully selected surge protection devices are designed to reduce the amount of harmful energy that flows into a system and are an inexpensive investment particularly when compared to the potential costs incurred by an unprotected system.

Surge protection can also be tailored to your business and the unique way you operate with devices that deliver protection at various points of your power network.

Point of entry: Where power enters your building.

Secondary point of protection: Where power is supplied to critical systems beyond the main distribution board.

Point of use: Where power enters your devices and tools.


Thankfully there are a range of products that can minimise the impacts of power surges and they operate at different stages of your power network.